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Who determines whether the organisation should apply for movement building or opportunity grant?
The applicant, and the eligibility criteria. If you are a non-profit Women’s Rights Organisation (WRO) with an income of less than GBP 50,000 per annum registered in South Africa, Lesotho or Zimbabwe, working on SRHR, you may wish to apply for the Opportunity Grant. If you are a registered WRO in any SADC country with at least two years of audited financial statements; a track record in building SRHR movements; an income of less than GBP 500,000 per annum you may wish apply for the Movement Building grant.
Can an organisation apply for both grants?
How do we go about the eligibility test?
Please find the eligibility test for the Movement Building Grant here on the website and for the Opportunity grants here on the website.
I have already done eligibility test and was successful. Where do I go to proceed with application?
If you were successful, you will get a message on the screen giving you a link to the application form.
Is the grant accessible to new organizations who haven’t received funding?
Yes, for the Opportunity grants, available in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Lesotho.
What if you fall in-between. so you are not small enough for opportunity grant but not big enough to be eligible for the movement building grant?
The criteria for the movement building grant is that your income should be less than GBP 500,000 per annum. It is therefore not clear how you would fail to be big enough. However there are several other criteria, notably a track record of SRHR movement building.
Can assets of the organisation be considered as GBP500, 000?
This is an income figure. Again, your income needs to be less than this amount, so it should not be a difficult threshold to attain.
What does women-led mean? Are we talking about cis-gender women or is it inclusive of women who are assigned male at birth?
Transgender men, i.e. men who identify as women, can be considered to be women leaders.
Which aspects of the LGBTIQA+ work is covered; our previous application was declined due to the leader being a male (gender non-conforming)?
The criteria is that the organisation should be led by persons identifying as women.
Are organizations that are current or past AmplifyChange grantees eligible to apply (for the movement grant, in particular)?
Are current Amplify change grantees eligible for opportunity grants?
Is a Non-Profit Company eligible to apply?
Is a grassroots NGO eligible to apply?
Yes, particularly for the Opportunity grants that are available in Lesotho, Zimbabwe and South Africa. For these grants you are not required to have registration, a board or a bank account with two signatories but rather commit to ensuring these are all in place should you be successful. To lead a Movement Building application (available in any one of the SADC countries) you will need to have all these in place plus at least two years audited financial statements to qualify.
We are an INGO can we apply?
International non-government organisations (INGOs) may apply ONLY as a partner within a Network grant led by a southern-based organisation where relevant and where they demonstrate good value for money.
How do we check whether we are eligible to apply for foreign funding?
This is specific to each country. Generally it should be possible to receive donations from a foreign source for the promotion of social justice.
A question that small/medium organisations in our network has raised: They already went through the eligibility test and apparently they are disqualified as they do not meet the “existence of the audited financial statement”. They did not have the opportunity to do it yet but are willing to start if they eventually are selected to receive the funds. Do you suggest any further tip to cope with that situation or they should let down?
For the Movement Building Grant it is necessary for the lead organisation to have at least two years’ worth of audited financial statements.
If my financials are currently under audit and will be finalised by date of final submission can I answer yes for audited financials for purposes of eligibility? Can an organization in the process of auditing its books eligible for funding?
Yes as long as you are certain that these will be available if invited to submit a full application for the Movement Building Grant, due on 30 September 2022.
Are we able to utilise a Fiscal Sponsor if you are ineligible as a young growing movement? Are we able to get a fiscal sponsor who has all the requirements?
Yes, this will be considered, as long as 1) the fiscal sponsor meets the requirements and 2) your organisation meet all the other criteria, and is willing to put these measures in place as part of the grant.
Are you eligible to apply if you are non-tax compliant?
This is not a requirement at the time of application but is likely to be a condition of your contract at due diligence, should you be successful.
How do you define a “movement”? Are there particular types of cultural, social, or political change that you prioritise or are most interested in within the SRHR space for the movement-building grant?
Please see the questions in the eligibility criteria for the Movement Building Grant. The areas of work for both grants are increasing access to reproductive health; improving sexual health of young people; removing barriers to safe abortion; eliminating GBV; removing stigma and discrimination.
We work with several networks; can we submit more than one application?
Organisations may submit only one application as a lead organisation in this Movement Building grant round.
We like to work in consortia can we still do this?
Only one organisation can apply as the lead and take full responsibility for all legal and financial obligations. The consortium members would be implementing or downstream partners. There are no limits to the number of organisations in a consortium, as long as these are well managed.
Can one organisation involve its affiliates as part of Coalition?
Can a coalition be one organisation, with branches or strictly two or more organisations? Can coalitions be considered as one organisation with 28 branches?
Yes, as long as it fulfils the criteria for movement building.
Four organisations are planning to collaborate. Is this okay?
Yes, as long as there is one lead organisation that meets the eligibility criteria of the Movement Building Grant.
Can an applicant that has not been eligible be put as a partner?
Yes, as long as it is a WRO that promotes SRHR.
Can government partners be named as project partners or coalition members as part of the movement grant, or do they need to be CSOs? Governments can be project partners but not coalition members. Government entities cannot receive funds from the grant.
Is Lesotho Eligible for Movement Building grant?
SRHR movements led by WRO in any of the 16 SADC countries are eligible to apply for the Movement Building grant, as long as the lead agency meets the fund criteria.
Can the project be implemented in more than one country in SADC? Can this project be implemented transnationally and one organisation receiving the grant (Zambia, Zimbabwe & Lesotho) Is it possible for a project to be implemented in more than one country?
Our main objective is to strengthen national level networks. We will consider multi country initiatives only if they can demonstrate real impact.
Is Zambia excluded from the smaller grants for new organisations? Are CSO’s in Angola eligible to apply?
This grant is only open to WRO in South Africa, Lesotho and Zimbabwe.
How many themes can we work on?
AmplifyChange has five priority themes and you are welcome to work on any of these themes, you can chose one or work on more than one as you see fit. The themes are: increasing access to reproductive health; improving sexual health of young people; removing barriers to safe abortion; eliminating GBV; removing stigma and discrimination
How do we determine the exchange rate for the budget?
For guidance on this and other financial concerns please look at the financial guidance on our Resources page.
For the opportunity grants what operational areas do the grants cover, for example salaries, travel, training etc.? Does opportunity grants also cover administration costs?
Yes. For details please refer to the budget guidance in excel spread sheet at the start of, and embedded in the application. The budget specifies desirable proportions of programmes, to HR, to administration costs.